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Thunder Models 1/35 Bergehetzer Early Special Edition
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Artikel-Nr.: SPS-042
Marke: Meng Model
Meng 1/35 German Main Battle Tank Leopard 2A4 AGDUS Training System (Resin)
Meng 1/35 German Main Battle Tank Leopard 2A4 AGDUS Training System (Resin)
Artikel-Nr.: EMA-35022
Marke: Evolution Miniatures
Evolution 1/35 - Kalashnikov AK-74 ( two pieces )
Evolution 1/35 Kalashnikov AK-74 ( two pieces )
Artikel-Nr.: EMA-35006
Marke: Evolution Miniatures
Evolution 1/35 - Gas balloons
Evolution 1/35 Gas balloons
Artikel-Nr.: AK-226
Marke: AK Interactive
AK Interactive - Optic Colour 3mm
AK Interactive - Optic Colour 3mm
Artikel-Nr.: TR00380
Marke: Trumpeter
Trumpeter 1/35 PT-76 Light Amphibious Tank
Trumpeter 1/35 PT-76 Light Amphibious Tank
Artikel-Nr.: AFT-35251
Marke: Archer
Archer 1/35 13/18 Hussars Balaclava M4A2 (Cast Hood) & CYMRU-AM-
Transfers à sec à appliquer sans eau, Archer 1/35 13/18 Hussars Balaclava M4A2 (Cast Hood) & CYMRU-AM-
Artikel-Nr.: AFT-35368
Marke: Archer
Archer 1/35 US Victory Posters (20)
Transfers à sec à appliquer sans eau, Archer 1/35 US Victory Posters (20)
Artikel-Nr.: B35138
Marke: Miniarm
Miniarm 1/35 Wheel set OI-25 (Omskshina) with armored caps for 6X6 Truck URAL4320 (6pcs plus extra)
Miniarm 1/35 Wheel set OI-25 (Omskshina) with armored caps for 6X6 Truck URAL- 4320 (6pcs plus extra)
Artikel-Nr.: AFT-35398
Marke: Archer
Archer 1/35 Ukrainian Flags
Transfers à sec à appliquer sans eau, Archer 1/35 Ukrainian Flags