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Bravo 6 - 1/35 Vietkong Sniper, (Main Forces)
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Artikel-Nr.: HBH01
Marke: Hornet
Hornet 1/35 - 5 heads, Brit. (1 Polish) assorted
Hornet 1/35 - 5 heads, Brit. (1 Polish) assorted
Artikel-Nr.: EM-35036
Marke: Evolution Miniatures
Evolution 1/35 - Soviet Guerrillas WW2
1/35 Evolution Miniatures - Soviet Guerrillas WW2
Artikel-Nr.: EM-35214
Marke: Evolution Miniatures
Evolution 1/35 Soviet Infantrymen (1941-1943) (for the KV-1 tank) 35214
Artikel-Nr.: RM683
Marke: Royal Model
Royal Model 1/35 Man using electric welder (no,1)
Royal Model 1/35 Man using electric welder (no,1)
Artikel-Nr.: STA3551
Marke: Stalingrad
Stalingrad 1/35 Russian 82mm Mortar model 1937
Takom 1/35 T-14 ARMATA Russian Main Battle Tank
Artikel-Nr.: EM-35140
Marke: Evolution Miniatures
Evolution 1/35 - Soviet soldiers at rest ( 1943 - 1945 )
Evolution 1/35 Soviet soldiers at rest ( 1943 - 1945 )
Artikel-Nr.: EM-35042
Marke: Evolution Miniatures
Evolution 1/35 - The Soviet soldier on rest WW2 (1943- 1945)
1/35 Evolution Miniatures - The Soviet soldier on rest WW2 (1943- 1945)
Artikel-Nr.: DML-6304
Marke: Dragon
Dragon 1/35 Panzergrenadier Division Grossdeutschland Premium Edition
Artikel-Nr.: DJITI-35075
Marke: Djitis Production
Djitis Production 1/35 Australian w/ minimi
Figurine en résine à monter et à peindre, Djitis Production 1/35 Australian w/ minimi